Jõgeva "meriino" tegi läbi oma tavalise metamorfoosi ja muutus pisut porikarva mügarlikust nutsakast helevalgeks, pehmeks iluduseks. Ainus asi, mille pärast ma ennast kirun, on see pagana punane akrüül, mida ma silmuste ülesloomiseks kasutasin. No kes käskis mul just EREPUNAST lõnga kasutada, mida ma nüüd näpin sealt seest ilmselt viimsepäeva laupäevani ja veel paar tundi pühapäevast takkajärele? Pean lihtsalt pöialt, et pikapeale saan ma selle sealt seest kätte...
Ette lisasin veel ühe viisnurga, kuna mulle ei meeldidud kogu kupatuse lahtised hõlmad. Ja pealekäiva hõlma serva kudusin samasugusest "i-cordist" nööbiaasad. Praegu on ainus probleem nööbid, mis mulle suurt ei meeldi, aga midagi paremat polnud võtta ja nii kangesti tahtsin asja valmis saada... Nööbid muuseas on ostetud kohutava kiiruga Montmartre'ilt, ühe hästi ebameeldiva, aga maailma parima valikuga nööbimüüja käest. Ma tean, astusin poodi veerand tundi enne kinnipanemist, sest kogu aeg oli Marché St-Pierre'is ja Sympa kaltsukuhjades tuhlates ära läinud, aga see ei õgustanud Maadamit, kes puuris mind kogu selle aja jooksul, mis ma poes viibisin, keskaegse turniirioda sarnase pilguga.
Fotod on nagu on, sest tool pole suurem asi model, aga ma püüan panna üles midagi paremat niipea, kui available fotograafi leian.
Capecho is ready. Finally. And I am probably one of those 3 persons who did not have sizing issues, perhaps because I used 2,5 needles for aran weight yarn. But it does not mean I did not do modifications to it.
My alterations were as follows: as I did not like the way the pentagons and their junctions turned out, I used a provisional cast-on for the whole garment because in this way, cables "run" smoothly from one detail to another. Once the necessary number of pentagons was ready, I collected the stitches for the collar and, using "entrelac" principle and provisional cast on once more, knit it directly to the body. I knitted together the last stitch of the collar and 2 stitches of the body on RS rows and slipped it then without kitting on WS rows, meaning that for one stitch of the body, there is 1 row of the collar.
Once the collar was ready, I continued on the side of the collar, knitting an I-cord directly "on" it and therefore resolving the problem of the unfinished-looking edges. I continued until the bottom and the knit another "collar" there (following Ingrid's solution), avoiding therefore the floppiness and empty holes under the arms. The "2 stitches for 1" did not work there but it was easy to adjust it so it sat there just perfectly.
The main thing I did was with the front pannel: I added one pentagon so it became more "cardigan-like" and knitted hoops for buttons (directly attatched to the I-cord edging).
I am not quite happy with the buttons but well, I can always change them.

Yarn: Aade Lõng (Raasiku) white "merino" (4-ply weight), 100% wool
Needles: 2,5
Size of pattern used: M
My alterations were as follows: as I did not like the way the pentagons and their junctions turned out, I used a provisional cast-on for the whole garment because in this way, cables "run" smoothly from one detail to another. Once the necessary number of pentagons was ready, I collected the stitches for the collar and, using "entrelac" principle and provisional cast on once more, knit it directly to the body. I knitted together the last stitch of the collar and 2 stitches of the body on RS rows and slipped it then without kitting on WS rows, meaning that for one stitch of the body, there is 1 row of the collar.
Once the collar was ready, I continued on the side of the collar, knitting an I-cord directly "on" it and therefore resolving the problem of the unfinished-looking edges. I continued until the bottom and the knit another "collar" there (following Ingrid's solution), avoiding therefore the floppiness and empty holes under the arms. The "2 stitches for 1" did not work there but it was easy to adjust it so it sat there just perfectly.
The main thing I did was with the front pannel: I added one pentagon so it became more "cardigan-like" and knitted hoops for buttons (directly attatched to the I-cord edging).
Yarn: Aade Lõng (Raasiku) white "merino" (4-ply weight), 100% wool
Needles: 2,5
Size of pattern used: M